We utilize fully digital x-ray equipment.
Modern advances in dentistry make diagnosis and treatment far superior to dental offices of the past. Our office is fully digital with paperless patient charts making office efficiency and record keeping much more centralized. We utilize a variety of communication tools to assist patients, such as internet phones, email and text messaging capability to quickly speak to our staff, appointment reminders and confirmations are hassle-free without ever picking up the phone. We have online paperwork submission tools helping minimize paper waste, keeping your data more secure and saving you time at your appointment.
Digital X-Rays
We utilize fully digital x-ray equipment. Digital x-rays are far superior to traditional dark room x-rays, because they are easy to store in paperless charts and securely sent to other healthcare providers. They provide higher quality images for diagnosis and treatment and expose patients to 90% less radiation than traditional x-rays. The amount of radiation exposure from digital dental bitewing x-rays is approximately 0.005 mSv or the equivalent of 1 days worth of background radiation in your normal daily routine exposure and less than the radiation from a 2-hour plane flight. A Panorex x-ray is 0.025 mSv or 3 days of natural radiation exposure. And a ConeBeam CT is 0.18 mSv or 22 days of natural radiation (less than an annual mammogram). We recommend you get updated bitewing x-rays once per year and Panorex or ConeBeam x-rays every 3-5 years. They are very safe and effective and the diagnostic advantage to early detection of cracks not visible to the naked eye and decay or disease below the surface of the gums is invaluable.
ConeBeam CT
Our office is invested in our patient’s best health and a ConeBeam CT will one day be the standard of care for all dental practices. It is currently the standard of care for placing dental implants, but can be used for many other diagnostic imaging purposes. The cone beam computed tomography (or CBCT) system used by dental professionals rotates around your head in a few seconds, capturing data using a cone-shaped X-ray beam. This x-ray is used to produce three dimensional (3-D) images of your teeth, soft tissues, nerve pathways and bone in a single scan allowing Dr. Ben to see with much greater detail everything going on beneath the surface and assisting in the accuracy of placing dental implants. Our ConeBeam CT allows us to take 3-D images or panoramic 2-D x-rays, called a Panorex.
Digital Impressions Scanner
One day traditional impressions may be obsolete. For now, we still utilize both, but our office has invested in the future with a Primescan Digital Impression Scanner. Digital scanning technology utilizes a camera that captures hundreds of images in seconds creating a digital model of your teeth and gums right on the touch screen in front of the dentist. It allows us to send digital images of your mouth and teeth for creating crowns, bridges, nightguards and orthodontic aligners. It saves our patients time in the dental chair and hassle. No more gagging and retaking impressions because of a bubble in the impression material. Cases can also be sent off to labs in minutes instead of days and allows us to offer quality orthodontic solutions to our patients.